Friday, 27 June 2014

~I ♥ Vintage Knitting Needles~

Anyone else obsessively fond of colourful vintage knitting needles?
I have a lot of old knitting needles...mostly AERO metal ones from the 70s and 80s from my Nana and other family members.  I have also tried to get 'with it' and use bamboo needles - I like the look of them but I'm not a fan of actually using them.
How can you not like the gorgeous 1950s colours of these beauties...
I've seen loads at vintage fairs and on etsy for between £2 - £5 a pair, but mine are all charity shop finds - the kind of local treasure trove charity shops run by Nana's are the best, you know what I mean I'm sure  :)
10p to 50p a pair that's all...
I found some more today in my local shop for 10p a pair, which are currently soaking in fairy liquid.

I also found this vintage sizing tool at a vintage fair in York for 50p

There are modern variations of this for sale in most craft shops for a couple of pounds.
Have a lovely weekend x
It's raining here but the garden needs it!


  1. Believe it or not Sally I don't possess a pair of those, in fact I didn't know they existed, I would have thought they were modern ones! I know what you mean about the nana run charity shops though. I have been in one today and told her I wanted some china cups and saucers with a view to doing a McMillan coffee morning and she actually went rummaging in the back and came out with some! Not sure the event will happen this year cause my mum is very poorly, in hospital at the moment with pneumonia but when I do I'll be prepared. Back to the needles I have dozens of pairs of my mums and even my own 30 some years old ones . I'm clicking away making autumn/winter wear! Xx

  2. I love them too, and I can't sad is that! :) x

  3. I've never seen coloured knitting needles! they do look fun though. I've often looked in charity shops for needles but
    some of them (by us anyway) can't sell them (or display them) due to safety laws!!

  4. oh how fun! I haven't seen any of the colored type but I have a collection of the old long metal ones. I recently watched an episode of some sort of "Charity Shop Transformation" online -- a tv show aimed at turning a charity shop into a lucrative business. It was pretty funny but the thing was, the lady was changing the shop away from so much of what I love about shops like that -- bargain prices that I can afford, adorable older women, and random bits and pieces.

  5. Well I like the look of the colourful vintage needles but I don't really get on with anything other than bamboo as they feel nice and warm, although I've got some bamboo crochet hooks and they're not so good. I like chunky, colourful plastic hooks and needles. I want some of those posh coloured glass knitting needles but I can't justify buying as I'm a rubbish knitter! Have fun x

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