Thursday, 30 October 2014

~Half-term week~

This week's gone so fast, as hols always do. I've batch cooked for the freezer, cleaned cupboards out, renovated some more furniture, met up with friends and done some charity shop rummaging...
Today we had a run to Filey.  It takes about an hour and half due to the traffic round York and it wasn't the best day weather-wise but despite the mizzly greyness it was unseasonably warm.

Top left - Yummiest hot choc ever from Rendevous Café which sits in the Cliffside below the Crescent Gardens. Cream? Yes please. Flake? Yes please.
Top right - Coble Landing boats, note appropriate 'Morning Mist'.
Bottom right - The Filey lifeboat on the Coble Landing.
Bottom left - a photo of me with Jack; a brave first actual photo of me on my blog. The bobble hat wasn't so much for the cold, more a hair-taming intervention. Do you know the Friends episode where Monica's hair hates humidity and gets bigger and bigger?  Well the trusty bobble hat prevented that happening :)


  1. Sounds like a great day out, nice to see a picture of you and the hot chocolate looks delightful.

  2. Aw, nice to see you! What is that giant thing you're standing by? A giant? x

    1. Yes it's a giant angler on the promenade at Filey. I love these statues :)

  3. I've rarely been to Filey, we usually gravitate towards Scarborough, Bridlington or Whitby. It doesn't really matter what the weather's like, it's just nice to get to the coast once in a while.

  4. Ahhh we love Filey too and visit often, the cobles are lovely, the beach fab and ace charity shops.

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